"A vizinha orientava uma
mercearia onde vendia chocolate toddy,
açúcar amarelo, pasta e arroz a
avulso, petróleo e melões e coisas...
Os 4 gémeos nanizios
tiravam um melão fresco da entrada logo ah porta perto dos sacos das avelãs e
dos amendoins grátis ah noite. Isso só acontecia no verão que eh tempo da fruta
melancia e o melão era comido junto ao poço à sombra das sobreiras e do copo
que não parte atirado ao chão. "
The wedding-guest heareth the bridal music. Pious bird of good omen. Through
fog and floating ice no living thing was to be seen. Killed albatross.
Bright-eyed mariner comes onward without wind or tide. (dead sea-bird round his
neck). Fair breeze. Ship sails northward. Speech from
bond of thirst. Official report. Prescriptions. Creatures of the great calm. Commotions in the element. Human life could endure. "
Railroad and
aircraft noise.
measure (100 feet from the track).
pitch bend.
moog music.
voicing and keying.
tone arm movement.
microphone sensitivity.
brass family.
envelope and duration.
noise regulations.
transmitted incident.
transmission loss.
turbulence caused by rectangular devices.
perforated aluminium sheet.
view of high bypass engine.
food blenders.
rotating propeller blade.
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